Muse no. 2: Suraiya Nanji, Founder of Homecoming Candles

Meet Suraiya Nanji, founder of Homecoming Candles, a Vancouver, BC based company that creates thoughtfully designed hand-poured candles from premium ingredients Read more to learn about Suraiya’s journey and how she made the switch from working at a corporate job to starting her own business.


What is your favourite part about your job?

The best part about my job is that I’m able to exercise both the creative and analytical side of the brain on a daily basis. While we do make “products” the start of every new skew comes from a creative urge or a desire to simply make something new. Getting to build a business around creative decisions first has definitely been a welcomed change in my life, especially after coming from a corporate background.

In which ways is Homecoming sustainable? In what ways would you like to make a positive impact on the environment using your brand’s platform?  

In addition to using recycling materials, we try to reuse as much material as we can in order to cut down on waste. In the world of e-commerce, there’s an unfortunate amount of paper and plastic that goes into packaging and shipping products. We try to reuse the same boxes and biodegradable packing supplies that we receive our supplies in for our shipments that go out to our stockists and online customers. We also offer a jar recycling program and local pickup options for people here in Vancouver. We’re always looking for ways to get better - sustainability is something every business, brand, and citizen should have at the top of their priority list. 

Does Homecoming have any collections or new products coming out soon?

All we can say is yes and very, very soon.


Tell us a little about yourself. What is your story?

My name is Suraiya. I’m a born and raised Vancouverite that’s been dabbling in the candle game since I first learned how to roll beeswax as a kid at our family’s kitchen table. I spent most of the last decade in LA, working as a retail and event designer for brands like Saks Fifth Avenue, Forever 21, and Unique LA. I moved back to Vancouver a few years ago (hence our company name), to pursue Homecoming full-time. 

What is Homecoming? Where did the conception of Homecoming come from?

Homecoming started as a hobby. I had spent the better part of a decade designing and opening retail locations all over the world. It was an incredible experience, but when I was able to be home, I was looking for something that could help me slow down and enjoy some peace and quiet. Candle making, particularly with soy wax, was the perfect outlet for this. The process requires your attention without consuming too much of your mental energy. Things grew naturally and before I knew it, I had quit my job, rented a studio space, and was making candles full time. 

What does your typical day look like? When you’re not working, what do you enjoy doing?

Most days you’ll find me in our studio space, pouring candles, experimenting with scents, and designing new scents. People that run their own small business know that you’re always kind of working, even if it’s your day off, but if I’m trying to enjoy some time away from the studio you can probably find me cafe and shop hopping, picnicking with friends along Commercial Drive or maybe at home watching just a little bit of reality TV.


What advice would you give to others that would like to start their own business?

Do it! Done is better then perfect. Everyone is capable of being successful, exceptional, outstanding, and awesome at at least one thing. The unfortunate truth is, no one is going to give you the opportunity to be those things, you have to create those opportunities for yourself! Also, don’t compare yourself to others (it never helps). 


To find out more about Suraiya and Homecoming Candles, follow @shophomecoming, and visit the Homecoming Candles website.